Dating Someone With FOMO
FOMO can be caused by a variety of things for various people. Some people just need a little time to adjust to this new lifestyle, while others aren’t interested in making a permanent commitment. If you’re dating someone who suffers from FOMO, don’t rush into a relationship. To begin, there are a few steps you must take.
Dating someone with FOMO? Here are 11 things you can do to help.
Yes, that’s right. FOMO, or “fear of missing out,” is a term used by today’s youth. At the very least, I’ve been there. We didn’t know how much in common we had until we started dating: we were both in the heat of being single.
And everything changed the minute I met my boyfriend. Going out with my buddies every weekend strained our bond. My time with my pals was somewhat diminished despite the fact that I had a great time with them. I attempted to do both, but in the end, I had to make a decision.
There were aspects of my life that I had been enjoying while single that I didn’t want to be taken away. And it was a lot of work, too. Then, of course, my partner was concerned about whether or not I was ready for a long-term relationship. Suddenly, I was forced to make a choice between two options.
That said, it’s not a good idea to have a lot of FOMO if you’re already in a relationship.
1. First and foremost, remain calm. There’s no reason to panic if you’re dating someone who has FOMO. Staying together or breaking up is your only option. I don’t think there’s anything else to say. However, before making a decision, sit back and look at the connection objectively. To avoid making mistakes, you need to keep your emotions out of the picture.
2. It’s not your fault. People tend to point the finger at each other when problems arise in relationships. But you won’t get anywhere doing that. Blaming your partner for their FOMO isn’t the best way to deal with it. Relationships and life are already difficult enough, and people are constantly making mistakes as they navigate their way through life.
3. They’ll understand if you tell them how you’re feeling. Communicate with your partner to get an answer. Make it clear to them if you think they’re not ready for a long-term relationship. Observe their reactions and learn what the next step will be. They may want a relationship, but it will take some time for them to become used to being in one. Everyone isn’t a seasoned professional with a long resume.
4. No ultimatums here. I know you’re considering saying, “It’s either you or your friends!” You’re in for a rough ride. Seriously. To make someone choose between you and something else is never a good idea. They should be able to figure out what they want on their own, not because you pushed them to.
5. Find out what they’re looking for. Listen, it’s evident that going out to the pub with your partner’s pals three times a week won’t be good for your relationship. Your partner, on the other hand, has wants and needs, and one of those is usually to see their friends. Relationships, of course, are all about making compromises.
Does seeing their mates in the pub three times a week necessitate getting wasted? No. However, they may be able to come over and play pool or go to the movies. That way, both their needs and yours are being satisfied, and you’re both feeling respected.
6. It’s up to you whether or not this is the right person for you. It’s possible that your values and way of life are fundamentally different. Unlike you, they enjoy going to parties every week and staying up late to watch movies. Although there is no reason why your relationship cannot work, it will be tough if you have very different ideas on life and morals.
7. Give the relationship some breathing room to develop. It’s understandable if you’ve only known each other for a week or so. Even those who are certain they’ve found their true love aren’t the only ones who think this before entering into a committed relationship. Conversely, if your relationship has lasted months and months and they haven’t gotten over their FOMO, it’s obvious they aren’t ready for a partnership.
8. Is your partner aware of your desires? This is a common difficulty in relationships. When it comes to their relationship, one person thinks it’s serious, while the other is less so. Is it clear to your partner what you’re looking for in a partner? Have they heard from you? If this keeps going on forever because they don’t grasp what you’re saying, you don’t want it to happen.
9. Are you and your partner content with your union? To whom do you spend the vast amount of your time? What’s going on in your mind? Are you feeling drained and exhausted? Or is your relationship reasonably peaceful and content? If you’re both dissatisfied with the relationship, it’s probably not the right one for you. At least for the time being.
10. What do you want in life? Stop dating someone with FOMO if they’re not ready for a relationship, and take a look at your own desires. The question is if you’re even capable of having a relationship. Or are you looking for something more casual and haven’t figured it out yet. It’s a good indicator if you’re dating someone who has a fear of missing out (FOMO).
11. Decide on a course of action. When you’re dating someone who suffers from FOMO, the ball is in your court at the end of the night. Because they’re not going to decide for you, it’s up to you to figure out what you want out of the relationship. Your companion, like you, is definitely battling an inner conflict. To what end are you hoping to put this experience? For the rest of your life, who do you hope to have as a significant other? Take action to achieve your goals.
It’s a hard situation here. Dating someone with FOMO is a recipe for disaster, even if you both like each other.